Ocean Waste Recycling Ship

„Ocean Waste Recycling Ship“ e.V. is a non-profit association registered in Hamburg.
Captain and marine engineer Georg Dieter Fehner has been closely associated with maritime environmental protection for decades. He has brought together founding members who work in different professions and have one thing in common: they have been active in maritime environmental protection for many years.

In the year 1972, researchers found plastic parts in the stomachs of fish and sounded the alarm. 50 years later, we have to conclude that the important issue has obviously not reached the responsible persons or has been and is being ignored. In order to work out significant changes, the members have founded the association “Ocean Waste Recycling Ship” e. V. and want to get started with their work.


Researchers have predicted that there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050 if humans don’t change course immediately.

We want to prevent this apocalypse from happening!

We want to build a special ship and use it to rid the oceans of plastic, microplastic and other waste and return plastic-free and waste-free oceans to humans and marine wildlife. Prophylactically we want to stop the further littering and poisoning of the oceans by humans.


In addition cleaning the oceans, drinking water is to be produced on the special ship, because another major problem is the worldwide shortage of drinking water, which has already reached Europe.
For the production of drinking water, seawater is cleaned by an ultrafiltration system and microplastic is filtered out, to be recycled on board.
The salt produced during the production of drinking water is free of microplastic; it is not pumped back into the sea just sold.


Together with donors and sponsors we want to raise the capital for the construction of the “Ocean Waste Recycling Ship”, build the special ship and operate it. This will give us a real chance to clean up the oceans, give plastic-free oceans back to people and marine wildlife and massively alleviate the global drinking water crisis.

We want to communicate the knowledge gained from our activities and encourage interested “plastic free ocean actors” to join in.

Please support our work and our projects so that we can achieve our ambitious goals. Every EURO is important for the realization of the projects.

We are looking forward to hearing from you by e-mail

or by phone under +49 (0)40-696328453 or +49 (0) 160 90282616

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